Organizers: Kazuo Akutagawa, Eric Bahuaud, Rafe Mazzeo and Kaoru Ono.
This session is devoted to some progress in geometric analysis and its geometric consequences. We expect that the lectures will stimulate research activities for those taking part in them.
Plenary speaker: Richard Bamler, University of California, Berkeley.
Session speakers (links to talk information):
- Ailana Fraser, University of British Columbia;
- Tsuyoshi Kato, Kyoto University;
- Shinichiroh Matsuo, Nagoya University;
- Jeff Viaclovsky, University of California, Irvine.
00:20 – 01:10 UTC, Aug 6 | Ailana Fraser |
01:10 – 02:00 | Jeff Viaclovsky |
02:10 – 03:00 | Tsuyoshi Kato |
23:00 – 00:10 UTC, Aug 6 – 7 | Richard Bamler (plenary) |
01:10 – 02:00 | Shinichiroh Matsuo |
Session poster: