Month: December 2024

Fall 2024 Wrap-Up

It’s been a fantastic semester for the DRP! We had almost sixty pairings across all areas of mathematics, pure and applied. The program continues to grow and the department continues to support us ably. We’d like to extend a special thank-you to our supervisor Christian Natividad, to Vicky Lee, and to the rest of the staff who make this possible. Applications for the spring will open in January, and we look forward to seeing you then.

Pairs who submit a final paper or give a talk at our end-of-semester conference have the option to be featured in our wrap-up post. It is our privilege to share these projects with you. We hope they will make for interesting reading — and possibly serve as inspiration for DRPs of your own!

Keren BaiJacob ElafandiThe Fourier Transform
Emily BellYuxi LiuDependent Kuramoto Models
Matthew CorboDrew KeislingNumber Fields
Jackson Koos DavisNancy Mae EaglesHeegaard Floer Homology of Lens Spaces
Zachary DellRobin HuangElliptic Curves and Kronecker’s Jugendtraum
Hallgrímur HaraldssonPranav EnugandlaRepresentation Theory of Finite Groups
Chris HartantoCharley HutchisonCauchy’s Theorem
Dongho Tommy KimConnor Halleck-DubeRepresentation Theory of GL(2, Fq)
Partha KrishnaAmy DaiStochastic Differential Equations
Jingyao Lai and Siyi HuangYang ChuElementary Financial Mathematics
Jasmine LatimerMitsuki Hanada321-Avoiding Permutations
Mataio NonakaAngelos PelecanosThe Probabilistic Method
Colin OlairezCJ DowdDrinfeld Modules
Alex OlhavaYifan ChenGromov Hausdorff Convergence and Geometric Applications
Karina PalominoChan BaeThe Vershik-Okounkov Approach to the Representation of Sn
Ved PandeyRonan O’GormanQuantifiers as Adjoints
Leo PedersenLiza JacobyThe Baire Category Theorem
Laney SayeNing TangWave Decay: Dispersion in the Stationary Phase
Tobin SudoElliot KienzlePlatonic Solid Projections and Iterated Function Systems
Madison WattsReed JacobsNumber Theory
Emma YangMitsuki HanadaLabeled Trees and Parking Functions
Haotian ZhaoJerry YangQuadratic Forms and Quadratic Fields