Berkeley Analysis and PDE Seminar
Fall 2014
Talks are on Mondays at 4:10pm in 740 Evans.
- September 8. Richard Bamler (UC Berkeley), There are finitely many surgeries in Perelman’s Ricci flow. (abstract)
- September 15. Jason Murphy (UC Berkeley), Nonlinear Schrödinger equations at non-conserved critical regularity. ( abstract)
- September 22. Marius Beceanu (UC Berkeley), A centre-stable manifold for the energy-critical wave equation in R3 in the symmetric setting. (abstract)
- September 29. Maciej Zworski (UC Berkeley), Stochastic stability of Ruelle resonances. (abstract)
- October 6. Alan Hammond (UC Berkeley), Moment bounds and mass-conservation in PDE modelling coalescence
- October 13. Ben Harrop-Griffiths (UC Berkeley), The lifespan of small solutions to the KP-I
- October 20. Michael Christ (UC Berkeley), An extremal problem concerning Fourier coefficients
- October 27. Boaz Haberman (UC Berkeley), Calderón’s problem for rough conductivities
- November 3. Craig Evans (UC Berkeley), Convexity, nonlinear PDE and principal/agent problems
- November 10. Sung-Jin Oh (UC Berkeley), On the energy critical Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations
- November 17. Alexander Volberg (Michigan State University), Beyond the scope of doubling: weighted martingale multipliers and outer measure spaces.
- November 24. (No seminar this week)
- December 1. Naoki Saito (UC Davis), Laplacian eigenfunctions that do not feel the boundary: Theory, Computation, and Applications