The APDE seminar on Monday, 2/28, will be given by Sebastian Herr (Bielefeld University) online via Zoom from 9:10am to 10:00am PST (NOTE THE SPECIAL TIME). To participate, email Sung-Jin Oh ().
Title: Global wellposedness for the energy-critical Zakharov system below the ground state
Abstract: The Zakharov system is a quadratically coupled system of a Schroedinger and a wave equation, which is related to the focussing cubic Schroedinger equation. We consider the associated Cauchy problem in the energy-critical dimension d=4 and prove that it is globally well-posed in the full (non-radial) energy space for any initial data with energy and wave mass below the ground state threshold. The result is based on a uniform Strichartz estimate for the Schr\”odinger equation with potentials solving the wave equation. A key ingredient in the non-radial setting is a bilinear Fourier extension estimate.