The APDE seminar on Monday, 04/27, will be given by Sung-Jin Oh online via Zoom from 4:10 to 5pm. To participate, email Georgios Moschidis ( or Thibault de Poyferré (
Title: Strong cosmic censorship and generic mass inflation for charged black holes in spherical symmetry.
Abstract: In this talk, I will first review a previous work with J. Luk, in which the C2-formulation of the strong cosmic censorship is proved for the Einstein-Maxwell-(real)-Scalar Field system in spherical symmetry for two-ended asymptotically flat data. More precisely, it was shown that a “generic” class of data for this model gives rise to maximal future developments which are future C2-inextendible. In the second part of the talk, I will present a new, complementary theorem (also joint with J. Luk) that for a further “generic” subclass of such data, the Hawking mass blows up identically along the Cauchy horizon. This result confirms, rigorously and unconditionally, the mass inflation scenario of Poisson-Israel and Dafermos for the model at hand.