Author Archives: esandine

Local well-posedness and smoothing of MMT kinetic wave equation

The HADES seminar on Tuesday, January 30th, will be at 3:30pm in Room 939 (not in 740 this semester!).

Speaker: Joonhyun La

Abstract: In this talk, we will prove local well-posedness of kinetic wave equation arising from MMT equation, which is introduced by Majda, Mclaughlin, and Tabak and is one of the standard toy models to study wave turbulence. Surprisingly, our result reveals a regularization effect of the collision operator, which resembles the situation of non-cutoff Boltzmann. This talk is based on a joint work with Pierre Germain (Imperial College London) and Katherine Zhiyuan Zhang (Northeastern).

Mode stability for Kerr(-de Sitter) black holes

The HADES seminar on Tuesday, November 28th, will be at 3:30pm in Room 740.

Speaker: Rita Teixeira da Costa

Abstract: The Teukolsky master equations are a family of PDEs describing the linear behavior of perturbations of the Kerr black hole family, of which the wave equation is a particular case. As a first essential step towards stability, Whiting showed in 1989 that the Teukolsky equation on subextremal Kerr admits no exponentially growing modes. In this talk, we review Whiting’s classical proof and a recent adaptation thereof to the extremal Kerr case. We also present a new approach to mode stability, based on uncovering hidden spectral symmetries in the Teukolsky equations. Part of this talk is based on joint work with Marc Casals (CBPF/UCD).

This talks complements yesterday’s Analysis & PDE seminar, but will be self-contained.

Methods for sharp well-posedness for completely integrable PDE

The HADES seminar on Tuesday, November 14th, will be at 3:30pm in Room 740.

Speaker: Thierry Laurens

Abstract:We will describe some of the methods used to prove sharp well-posedness for the Benjamin–Ono equation in the class of H^s spaces, namely, the method of commuting flows. Since its introduction by Killip and Visan in 2019, this groundbreaking approach to completely integrable systems has been adapted to a wide variety of models in order to prove sharp well-posedness results that were previously inaccessible. In this talk, we will describe some of the overarching principles of the method of commuting flows, with a focus on how these ideas were implemented in the case of the Benjamin–Ono equation. This is based on joint work with Rowan Killip and Monica Visan.

Construction of nonunique solutions of the transport and continuity equation for Sobolev vector fields in DiPerna–Lions’ theory

The HADES seminar on Tuesday, October 3rd will be at 3:30pm in Room 740.

Speaker: Anuj Kumar

Abstract: In this talk, we are concerned with DiPerna–Lions’ theory for the transport equation. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss a few results regarding the nonuniqueness of trajectories of the associated ODE. Alberti ’12 asked the following question: are there continuous Sobolev vector fields with bounded divergence such that the set of initial conditions for which the trajectories are not unique is of full measure? We construct an explicit example of divergence-free H\”older continuous Sobolev vector field for which trajectories are not unique on a set of full measure, which then answers the question of Alberti. The construction is based on building an appropriate Cantor set and a “blob flow” vector field to translate cubes in space. The vector field constructed also implies nonuniqueness in the class of measure solutions. The second part to talk is a more recent work jointly with E. Bruè and M. Colombo. We construct nonunique solutions of the continuity equation in the class L^\infty in time and L^r in space. We prove nonuniqueness in the range of exponents beyond what is available using the method of convex integration and sharply match with the range of uniqueness of solutions from Bruè, Colombo, De Lellis’ 21.

On a nonlinearly coupled stochastic fluid-structure interaction model.

The HADES seminar on Tuesday, September 26th will be at 3:30pm in Room 740.

Speaker: Krutika Tawri

Abstract: In this talk, we will present a constructive approach to investigate
the existence of martingale solutions to a benchmark fluid-structure interaction
problem that involves an incompressible, viscous fluid interacting with a linearly
elastic membrane subjected to a multiplicative stochastic force. The fluid flow
is described by the Navier-Stokes equations while the elastodynamics of the
thin structure is modeled by the Koiter shell equations. We will discuss the
challenges arising due to the random motion of the time-dependent fluid domain
and present our recent findings. This is joint work with Sunčica Čanić.

Illposedness for dispersive equations: Degenerate dispersion and Takeuchi-Mizohata condition

The HADES seminar on Tuesday, September 5th will be at 3:30pm in Room 740.

Speaker: Sung-Jin Oh

Abstract: In this talk, my aim is to provide a unified viewpoint on two illposedness mechanisms for dispersive equations, namely degenerate dispersion and (the failure of) the Takeuchi-Mizohata condition. For a linear dispersive equation, degenerate dispersion is a property of the principal term in the presence of degenerating coefficients, and the Takeuchi-Mizohata condition concerns the effect of the subprincipal term. First, I will demonstrate how these two effects manifest in the context of wave packet construction. Then, I will exhibit a simple energy and duality argument (similar to testing by wave packets of Ifrim-Tataru) that allows one to extend this illposedness phenomenon to a variety of quasilinear(!) degenerate dispersive PDEs, including singular generalized SQG, surface growth model, Rosenau-Hyman model, etc. This talk is mostly based on joint projects with In-Jee Jeong and Dongho Chae.